Our Mission

Our Mission is to protect Our Sacred Mother Earth by conserving Ozark wilderness land, teaching environmental education, preserving indigenous and Ozark cultures, and providing a sanctuary that empowers women and children of color, displaced indigenous peoples, and our community with natural and healthy skills for sustainable living and self-sufficiency.

Who we are

Arco Iris Earth Care Project was founded in 1987 by queer and Two-Spirit Women of Color. We steward the 400 acre Wild Magnolia Land Trust according to indigenous earth care principles, and offer a healing, safe space for our community to connect with nature.

La Hadra

The La Hadra building is a large pavilion and outdoor kitchen located at the heart of the Wild Magnolia conservation area. It serves as a space where we promote the conservation of our Ozark wilderness areas and foster the indigenous people's sacred ways of living in harmony with the earth. Constructing La Hadra is the first step towards realizing a larger vision of building a sustainable community, natural health center, and school on the land. The space is available to host workshops and courses on environmental education.

Group photo from our 39th Annual Caminata-- April 1st, 2023. Photo taken at the Fairy Pond at the Wild Magnolia Land Trust.

Annual Spring Walk

Every spring, the Grandmothers and community members gather to walk the boundary of our land in a blessing ceremony called La Caminata. We unite for the protection of our Mother Earth and to preserve indigenous traditions. This year, on April 1st, 2023, we hosted our 39th Annual Caminata.